Press for This is How You Die by David Jester

This is How You Die has been out for a couple months now and I have done everything I can to try and push it, short of actually getting off my arse and arranging a book signing (I like to hibernate during winter…and spring, and summer, and autumn).

At the time of writing, I’m in talks with a major international news portal who want to run an exclusive interview. But I have also contributed to some editorials, arranged some polls and written some pieces that have all served to promote the book. If you’ve made it to this page, you’ve probably seen some or all of them already. But it would be weird to let those things go unannounced, so here are some links to recent promotional pieces, features and interviews:

Stranger Danger (Published by the Daily Mirror Online)

Children of Serial Killers (Published by the Daily Mirror Online)

Best Books for Halloween (Published by DreadCentral)

This is How you Die by David Jester ( review)

Trailer (Published on Youtube, on the Mirror website and elsewhere)